Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma star in Mahesh Manjrekar's directorial Antim - The Final Truth, that released on the 26th of November in cinemas. Post the release, Khan continues to do visits to cities. On Monday, he was in Ahmedabad and visited the ever so famous Sabarmati Ashram and spent a pleasant day with fans. Today, the actor will reach Chandigarh.
The actor will reach Chandigarh to attend a fan screening at Elante Mall at 4pm on November 30. The actor has been making visits and seems to be eager to greet fans from all across.
Antim: The Final Truth came out on 26th November and stars Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma, Mahesh Manjrekar and Mahima Makwana.
ALSO READ: Salman Khan delays shoot of Tiger 3 to promote Antim across various cities
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